What Does It Mean To Be Truly Happy In Life?

“Money cannot buy happiness…but somehow it’s much more comfortable crying in a Porsche than on a bicycle.”

“Whoever said that money cannot buy happiness, simply didn’t know where to go shopping.”  – Bo Derek

We have all heard the old saying that “money cannot buy happiness.” Some of the richest people on earth, despite all of the things they have, lack happiness. They cannot buy happiness if that happiness was one of their lost loved ones. They cannot buy happiness if that happiness was a memory of the past. They cannot buy happiness if that happiness was something felt from within. You cannot buy love. Love is a feeling that is felt from within your heart, thus it cannot simply be bought. All in all, money cannot buy happiness.

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In our life, we face many obstacles, big and small. Some that may seem impossible to overcome. It may look like they hinder us from accomplishing our goals, but these actually are the things that should motivate us to keep going, to try harder, to keep on following your dreams.

Life throws some pretty hard balls at us, but it’s those curve balls that actually gets us up and moving. Rather than just sitting around and waiting for those things to come flying right at us, we should always be on the lookout and prepare for those moments everyday of our lives.


ohhh… now THAT has got to hurt



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Finding Lost Hope

Living in this world is not an easy task. There are people who tear each other apart like mad animals. Then, there are the haters who will always bring you down (but I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake…). But most importantly, there are those of us that struggle to get by each and everyday. Those of us who cannot meet their own needs or provide for their wife and children. Everywhere, there are homeless people on the streets begging for a morsel of food yet some of us just walk by them without even giving the slightest of thoughts. Why are human beings naturally like this? Why is human nature so corrupted?By now, you may feel guilty of being one of those people who just pass by, that there is probably no more hope for humanity.

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Overcoming the Impossible

We face many obstacles in our everyday lives, such as struggling to pay bills, battling cancer, or getting through a difficult relationship. We think that some of these obstacles are too difficult to surpass while others may just seem overwhelmingly impossible. To help you, here are two ways to assist you in overcoming the impossible:

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The Essential Questions of Life

essential questions 1

For the past three weeks, I have been reading The Oedipus Cycle, which was written by Sophocles.This book contains three plays revolving around the life of Oedipus, a man whose life was filled with tragedies. After reading these plays, I came up with three essential questions:

1) Do we always want to find out the truth?

2) Why do bad things happen to good/innocent people?

3) Who decides what is right and wrong?

Since these questions may seem broad right now, let’s go in depth.

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