A World Engulfed in Technology?

Man created technology to benefit themselves. To help us in our day to day life. But have we finally come to the point where it has finally taken over our life? Has technology also taken away the most treasured part of life, interacting with our loved ones?

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Stereotypes. Why do they exist? We see and hear stereotypes as we go about our daily life. In fact, we might be using stereotyping without even realizing it! For instance, people usually view Asians as the squinty-eyed group who are good at math and playing piano. Americans are seen as obese, lazy,  and having weight problems. British are rude toward Americans. Canadians are nice and polite. Russians are dangerous, crazy assassins. The list can go on and on. But hold on! Not all of these are true of some people. Some Asians aren’t the best at math. Some Americans are lean and fit. Some Canadians are mean and arrogant. Russians can be nice, sensible people.

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Overcoming the Impossible

We face many obstacles in our everyday lives, such as struggling to pay bills, battling cancer, or getting through a difficult relationship. We think that some of these obstacles are too difficult to surpass while others may just seem overwhelmingly impossible. To help you, here are two ways to assist you in overcoming the impossible:

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The Essential Questions of Life

essential questions 1

For the past three weeks, I have been reading The Oedipus Cycle, which was written by Sophocles.This book contains three plays revolving around the life of Oedipus, a man whose life was filled with tragedies. After reading these plays, I came up with three essential questions:

1) Do we always want to find out the truth?

2) Why do bad things happen to good/innocent people?

3) Who decides what is right and wrong?

Since these questions may seem broad right now, let’s go in depth.

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What are the Little Things that Makes us Happy?

What are the things in life that makes us happy? Is it the the sound of birds chirping at the break of dawn? Or is it the sensation of popping bubble wrap? We may not realize when we are happy because we are caught up in the moment when we ARE happy.There are tons of things out in the world that can bring a smile even on the worst of days. Here are some of the things that make me happy: Continue reading

Making A Difference | Saving Humanity

While I was watching Caine’s Arcade and $13,238.86 left in a NYC taxi in class, it sparked a thought that there might still be hope for humanity in this cruel world. Motivated by this, I began to search other videos on Youtube, similar to the ones that I had watched in class. An hour later, I found this channel called GiveBackFilms. The channel revolves around a group of people who give back to those who are less fortunate. Here are some of their videos:

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Hey! I’m Johnny and this blog will be dedicated to life, our perspective of it, and other random things that happen along the way during our journey through life. So, to start off, I will leave with you a quote that I thought was very meaningful.
