What are the Little Things that Makes us Happy?

What are the things in life that makes us happy? Is it the the sound of birds chirping at the break of dawn? Or is it the sensation of popping bubble wrap? We may not realize when we are happy because we are caught up in the moment when we ARE happy.There are tons of things out in the world that can bring a smile even on the worst of days. Here are some of the things that make me happy:

1. RING RING RING!!! Your alarm just went off! Although I rarely wake up before my alarm goes off, those times when you do wake up before your alarm jolts you out of bed makes you feel good about yourself.

2. You tell the barista at Starbucks, “My name is Paul.” Yet when the drink arrives, you are not surprised to see that it says “Pawl.” The baristas at Starbucks have been known to spell your name wrong. I’m not sure if they do it for the amusement of seeing us perplexed or because they just do not care. However, the times when they do spell your name correctly can bring a smile to your face.

3. The joys of being home alone. When your parents leave at home, you feel like you have finally escape prison and are free to do whatever you want.

4.  When you wake up for school only to realize it is Saturday. Even though your sleep was interrupted, you can now go back to sleep knowing that you can sleep as long as you want.
5. Whether it is a penny or ten bucks, finding some money on the ground ALWAYS make people happy,. Especially this guy.

6. Getting a Joe Latti on a super hot day is the best thing ever. The cold, refreshing Italian ice melting in your mouth combined with the creamy soft serve ice cream may be the best feeling in the world. You are missing out if you have never tried one of these desserts fit for the gods.I recommend trying one yourself. Here are some pictures to keep your brain busy:

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As you can see, there are a lot of things to appreciate in the world. Having a positive outlook on life is better than a negative one.It can change your entire day. If you are one of those people who always seem to have a bad day, you should look for the little things in life because those little things are the things that are going to make the most of your day.

3 thoughts on “What are the Little Things that Makes us Happy?

  1. I liked how you always had a positive outlook on life. The use of GIFs and a slideshow was clever. I feel like our posts share somewhat the same points, such as the one I made about how to live alone peacefully. I suggest that you should put some more personal examples into your post.


  2. Pingback: The Little Things | Tribal Warrior Poets
  3. This post was really fun to read! I liked how your gifs were just right for each situation. This was like a wake up call to appreciate the little things in life that can make us happy!


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